Friday, October 10, 2014

7th mathematics SA2 MODELPAPER 1



Subject: Mathematics
Time allowed: 3hrs      .                                                  Maximum Marks: 90

General instructions:
(1)  All questions are compulsory.
(2)  This question paper consists of 34 questions divided into four sections A, B, C, D. Section A comprises of 8 questions of 1 mark each, section B comprises of     6 questions of 2 marks each, section C comprises of 10 questions of 3 marks each, section D comprises of 10 questions of 4 marks each.
(3) Question numbers 1 to 8 in section A are multiple choice questions where you have to select one correct answer out of the given four. Show working for section B, C and D
(4) There is no overall choice. However internal choice has been provided for Q.No.19, Q.No.21, Q.No.26, and Q.No.31
(5)  Please check this question paper contains 7 printed pages only.

Section A

Each question carries one mark.                                                        8 x 1 = 8

Q.1)  The mean of first 5 whole numbers is  
         (a) 3             (b) 2            (c) 2.5         (d) none of these

Q.2) The two angles of a triangle are 30º and 80º. The third angle is
          (a) 60º        (b) 90º         (c) 70º         (d) none of these

Q.3) The equation for, 4 subtracted from one-fourth of a number x gives 4 is
         (a) (x – 4) = 4    (b) x – 4 = 4      (c) 4 - x = 4   (d) none of these

Q.4) The number of lines of symmetry for a square is
          (a) 2           (b) 4           (c) 6             (d) none of these

Q.5) Order of rotational symmetry of an equilateral triangle is
          (a) 6           (b) 2            (c) 3             (d) none of these
Q.6) Given AC=DF, AB=DE, BC=EF, so ΔABC ≡ ΔDEF. Which congruence criterion do you use from the following?
          (a) SAS         (b) AAA                  (c) SSS                 (d) none of these

Q.7) Convert 0.09 to percent:
          (a) 0.9%     (b) 9%                  (c) 0.09%              (d) none of these

Q.8) Out of 25 children in a class, 15 are girls. What is the percentage of girls?
(a)  75%       (b) 50%                (c) 60%                 (d) none of these

Section B

Each question carries two marks.                                            6 x 2 = 12

Q.9) Is it possible to have a triangle with the following sides?
          4.5cm, 10.2cm, 5.8cm

Q.10) Check whether each value given in the brackets is a solution to the given equation or not:
                   4p – 3 = 13   (p=2, p=4)

Q.11) Find the base, if the area of the ΔABC is 36cm2 and the height is 3cm.

Q.12) Find 35% of 600kg

Q.13) Construct an equilateral triangle of side 4cm

Q.14) In ΔABC and ΔPQR, AB=3.5cm, BC=7.1cm, AC=5cm, PQ=7.1cm,
         QR=5cm and PR=3.5cm. Examine whether the two triangles are
         congruent or not. If yes, write the congruence relation in symbolic form.

Section C

Each question carries three marks.                                           10 x 3 = 30


(i)                What information is given in the bar graph?
(ii)             Which student has the maximum mark?
(iii)           Which student has the minimum mark?

Q.16) Find the mean, median and mode of the following data:
          32, 30, 23, 26, 30, 28, 27

Q. 17) AM is a median of a triangle ABC. Is AB+BC+CA > 2AM?

Q.18) In a Triangle ABC angle A is twice angle B and Angle C is three times of Angle B find the angles of the triangle

Q. 19) Solve and check:   16 = 4 + 3 (t + 2)
Set up an equation and solve: In an isosceles triangle, the vertex angle is twice either base angle. Find the  angles of the triangle.

Q. 20) The area of a square and a rectangle are equal. If the side of the square is
            20cm and the breadth of the rectangle is 16cm, find the length of the
            rectangle. Also find the perimeter of the rectangle.

Q.21) ΔABC is right angled at A. AD is perpendicular to BC. If AB=5cm, BC=13cm and AC=12cm. Find the area of ΔABC. Also find the length of AD.

                                B                         D                              C


The radius of the larger circle is 14cm and the radius of the inner circle is 7cm. Find the area of the shaded portion between the two circles.
(π = ).

Q.22) If Ravi pays an interest of Rs 3000 for 2 years in a sum of Rs 10000, find
          the rate of interest.

Q.23) Draw a line segment AB, take a point C outside it. Through C, draw a line
          parallel to AB using ruler and compasses only.

Q.24) In the figure given below, AB=AC and AD is the bisector of angle BAC.
          (i) State three pairs of equal parts in triangles ΔADB and ΔADC
          (ii) Is ΔADB ≡ ΔADC? Give reasons.
(iv)           Is /_B = /_C? Give reasons.             


                        B                             D                             C

Section D

Each question carries four marks.                                 10 x 4 = 40

Q.25) The number of two types of drinks sold on 5 days of a week are given below:
           Construct a double bar graph for the data.

Strawberry drinks
Chocolate drinks

Q.26) The diagonals of a rhombus measures 12cm and 16cm. Find its perimeter.

          Find the perimeter of the rectangle whose breadth is 7cm and a diagonal is

Q.27) A tree is broken at a height of 15m from the ground and its top touches the ground at a distance of 8m from the base of the tree. Find the original height of the tree.

Q.28) Two cross roads each of width 2m, cut at right angles through the center
           of a rectangular park of length 72m and breadth 48m and parallel to its
           sides. Find the area of the roads.  

Q.29) A 3m wide path runs outside and around a rectangular park of length 30m
          and breadth 20m. Find the area of the path.

Q.30)  (a) 75% of what number is 15?
            (b) Find the ratio of 18m to 54cm
            (c) Convert 150% to fraction in simplest form

Q.31) A shopkeeper bought a table for Rs1500 and sold it for Rs1440. Find
          the loss percentage.

            Cost of an item is Rs 50000. It was sold with the profit of 12%. Find the
            selling price.

Q.32) Construct ΔLMN if it is given that LM=8cm, /_NLM=40º and
           /_LMN=110º.  (write the steps of construction)

Q.33) Construct ΔXYZ, right angled at Y, YZ=8cm and XZ=10cm using ruler
           and compass

Q.34)  Construct a right angled triangle whose hypotenuse is 4.5 cm and the other angle is 30°. Also with steps of construction.

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