Friday, October 10, 2014




Subject: Mathematics
Time allowed: 3hrs      .                                       Maximum Marks: 90
General instructions:
 1.All questions are compulsory.
 2.This question paper consists of 34 questions divided into four sections A, B, C, D. Section A comprises of 8 questions of 1 mark each, section B comprises of 6 questions of 2 marks each, section C comprises of 10 questions of 3 marks each, section D comprises of 10 questions of 4 marks each.
3.Question numbers 1 to 8 in section A are multiple choice questions where you have to select one correct answer out of the given four. Show working for section B, C and D
4.There is no overall choice. However internal choice has been provided  You have to attempt only of the alternatives in all such questions
5.Please check this question paper contains 6 printed pages only.
Section A

Each question carries one mark.                                8 x 1 = 8
Q 1) The order of rotational symmetry of English alphabet O is

a) 1                                                      b) 2
iii) 0                                                    iv) 3

Q 2) The constant term in the expression 7xy3 – 5x – 4 is
a) –4                                                  b) 2
c) 4                                                  d) –3

Q 3) If the length of rectangle is 'l' metres and its breadth is 'b' metres, then its area is
a) l2b2 sq metres                                  b) 2lb sq. Metres
c) lb sq. Metres                                    d) lb metres

Q 4) 10% of 365 days is
a) 3.65 days                                       b) 365 days
c) 36.5 days                                       d) none of these.

Q 5) If the perimeter of a square is 28cm, then its side is
a) 102cm                                           b) 4cm
c) 7cm                                              d) 14cm

Q 6) Parallelogram has _____ lines of symmetry.
a)1                                                  b)2
c)3                                                  d)4

Q 7) If m=2, then the value of 9 – 5m is _____.
a)-1                                                b)1
c)-2                                                 d)2

Q 8) Δ ABC ΔXYZ, if XYZ = 65°, the measure of ABC is ___
a)55o                                                                b) 65o
d)90o                                          d) can not say


Section B

Each question carries two marks.                                                         6 x 2 = 12

Q.9) Is it possible to have a triangle with the following sides?
           3cm, 4cm, 5cm

Q.10) Check whether each value given in the brackets is a solution to the given equation or not:6p – 3 = 21   (p=2, p=4)

Q.11) Find the base, if the area of the ΔABC is 48cm2 and the height is 8cm.

Q.12) Find 15% of 600kg

Q.13) Construct an equilateral triangle of side 6cm

Q.14) In ΔABC and ΔPQR, AB=3.5cm, BC=7.1cm, AC=5cm, PQ=7.1cm, QR=5cm and PR=3.5cm. Examine whether the two triangles are  congruent or not. If yes, write the congruence relation in symbolicform.

Section C

Each question carries three marks.                                                       10 x 3 = 30

Q15 )A box has 15 balls. 3 balls are yellow, 5 balls are red and the remaining are green. Find the probability that a ball drawn is red.

Q 16) What is the probability of the occurrence of an even number if a dice is loosed once?

Q 17 A box has 10 balls, 3 balls are yellow, 2 balls are red and the remaining are green. Find the probability that a ball drawn
a) Red
b) Yellow
c) Green

Q 18) In a survey of 100 ladies, it was found that 36 like coffee while 64 dislike it. If a lady is choose at random what is that
probability that the chosen
1) Like coffee
2) Dislike coffee

Q19). Sandys height increased by 20% last year and by 15% this year. What is the total percent increase in 2 years?
Q20). Price of a commodity decreased by 10% last year and increased by 20% this year. Find the %age change in price in two years.
Q21). In a class, section A has 42 boys out of total 75 students, section B has 60% girls in a total student strength of 80 and section C has two third boys among 45 students. Find the aggregate percentage of boys.

Q22). if the angles of a triangle are in the ratio of 3:4:5 determine the three angles

Q23). A tree of height 36m broke at a point P, but it did not separate. The top of the tree touched the ground at a distance of 12m from the base. find the distance of the point P from the base of the tree

Q 24). If all the three angles of a triangle are of the same measure, find the measure of each of the angles.
 Construct a triangle ABC such that AB = 5cm, BC = 4.6cm and
AC = 4.3cm.

Section D

Each question carries four marks.                                             10 x 4 = 40

Q 25 The height of 15 students are given in a 165, 155, 168, 160, 163, 162, 165, 168, 156, 159, 160, 164, 163, 165, 160.
Find :
(i) The range of height
(ii) The Mode
(iii) The Median

Q 26) The length of a rectangular field is twice its breadth. If the perimeter of the field is 150 m, find its length and breadth.

Q 27) Twice a number when decreased by 7 gives 45. Find the number.

Q 28) A tree is broken at a height of 12 m from the ground and its top touches the ground at a distance of 5 m from the base of the tree.
Find the original height of the tree.

Q 29 )The diagonals of a rhombus measure 10 cm and 24 cm. Find its perimeter.

Q 30) Find the simple interest on Rs. 1200 from Jan 1, 2006 to March 14, 2006 at 6% per annum.

Q 31) A man purchases two machines at Rs. 1200 each. On one he gain 20% and on the other he loses 20%. How much does he gain or
lose in whole transaction.

Q 32) Construct ΔABC in which AB = 6 cm, BC = 3.5 cm and CA = 5 cm.

Q 33) Draw a line, say AB, take a point C outside it. Through C, draw a line parallel to AB using a ruler and compass only.

Q 34) Let l be a line and P be a point not on l. Through P, draw a line m parallel to l. Now, join P to any point Q on l. Choose any other
point R on m. Through R, draw a line parallel to PQ. Let this meet l at S. What shape do the two sets of parallel lines enclose?

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