Thursday, October 9, 2014

7th maths

1)  The diameter of the circles is 2 centimeters. Calculate the area that is black
A)3.44 square cm                                          B)3.46
C)                                                  D)
2)   How many triangles are there?
  A)11                                                                        B)33
  C)44                                                                       D) 22

3)  Which fraction is the smallest?
A)3/5                                                     B)60/121
C)10/17                                                 D)None

4)  If A # B = (A x B) / (A + B)

         a) Calculate 9 # (10 # 10)
A)   1.905                                         B)1.297
C)2.35                                            D)1.095

5)   Max started to read a novel. He read 15 pages a day. After 6 days he had 3/8 of the book left. How many pages are there in the book?
A)100                                             B)200
B)   144                                           D)244

6)   Which fraction has a larger value?


C)Bothare Equal                D)None

7)  A half circle overlaps with a square. The diameter of the half circle is 12 inches. What is the area of the hatched/striped parts?

A) 36 square inches         B)26square inches
C)16Square inches           D)6Square Inches

8)   Sort the following fractions from the smallest value to the largest value.

9)   The weight of a box of chocolates is 2.2 pounds. After taking out 3/4 of the chocolates, the remaining chocolates and the box weigh 0.7 pounds. What is weight of the box and the weight of the chocolates before any chocolates were taken out?
A)0.1 pounds              B)0.2pounds        
C)0.3pounds               D)0.4pounds
10)   A brand new movie just came to Golden Theater. The theater has a goal of selling 1500 tickets for this movie in the 1st week. The first 2 days it sold 30% of its goal tickets. What is the average number of tickets the theater needs to sell in the next 5 days in order to meet their goal?
  A)100                         B)200
C)210                           D)220
 11)   Rochelle took her final tests of several subjects. Her average score NOT including English is 88. Her average score including English is 90. Her English score is 98. How many subject tests did she take?
A)3                             B)4
C)5                             D)6

12)   Gasoline price is $4.0 per gallon in August. The price increased by 10% in September, and dropped 5% in October. What was the price of  gasoil
      A)   $3.18        B) $5.18
       C)  $6.18        D) $4.18
13)   Fill in the blanks with the same natural number to make the equation correct.
                  3_ * 4128 = 3264 * _3
  A)1                            B)2
C)3                             D)4
14)   John went to the stores to buy Christmas presents for his kids. He spent 2 thirds of his money at a book store. He then spent 1 third of the remaining money at a craft store. At the end he had $8 left. How much money did he have at the beginning?
 A) $36                                       B)26
C)16                                           D)46
15)   Ming Lee's birthday is on February 25th. If January 1st of 2009 is Thursday, which day of the week is Ming Lee's birthday in the year 2009?
A)Monday                            B)Tuesday
C)Wednesday                      D)Thursday

16)   October 1st of 2008 is Wednesday. What day of the week is Christmas day, December 25th of Christmas of 2008?
 A)Monday                           B)Tuesday
C)Wednesday                      D)Thursday

17)   A rectangle prism is 8 centimeters long, 4 centimeters wide and 4 centimeters tall. How many 2 x 2 x 2 cm cubes can the prism be cut into?
A)16,                                    B)26
C)6                                      D)36

18)   There are 3 identical wooden blocks that are 50 inches long, 5 inches wide and 2 inches thick. If you glue them together, what is the largest  outer surface area you can get?
 A)3120 square inch, B) 1380 square inch
 C)3220 square inch, D) 3380 square inch

19)   A train is 300 meters long. A tunnel is 2900 meters long. The train travels at 600 meters per minute. How long is the time between the moment the front of the train enters the tunnel and the moment the end of the train exits the tunnel?
 A)  4                            B) 5
C)6                               D)7
20)   A train is 240 meters long. The train travels at 20 meters per second. It takes 60 seconds for the train to pass the tunnel. How long is the tunnel?
A) 960 meters                    B)690meters
C)360meters                       D)350meters

21)   de Fish Dine ordered tomato sauce. de Fish Dine uses 90 kilograms of tomato sauce a day to make their famous dish. After 5 days, there was 2/5 of the sauce left. How much tomato sauce did de Fish Dine order in the beginning?
A) 750 kg                   B) 650 kg      
C)350 kg                     D) 550 kg      
22)   The following sequence of operations is done on a number.  Multiply by 5, add 2, subtract 10, multiply by 2.  The final result is 44. What is the original number?
 A)  6                B)    7
 C)  8                 D)  9
23)   The following sequence of operations is done on a number.  Multiply by 8, add 6, subtract 9, divide by 3.  The final result is 23. What is the original number?
   A)  6                B)    7
 C)  8                 D)  9
24)   Tim's shoe store just stocked 104 pairs of new shoes. The ratio of black shoes and brown shoes is 5 to 3. How many pairs of brown shoes did the store stock?
 A)65 pairs                 B)39 pairs
A)65 pairs                 B)39 pairs

 25)   The area of the square is 100 square centimeters. What is the area of the circle?

A)7 8.5 square cm              B) 8.5 square cm
C)7 8.5 square cm              D) 8.5 square cm



26)   Four kids; Aaron, Bessy, Carli and Dawn play with beads. They start with 200 beads in all. Aaron gave Bessy 26 beads, Bessy gave Carli 36 beads, Carli give Dawn 32 beads, and Dawn give Aaron 4 beads. They end up with the same number of beads as each other. How many beads did carli have at the beginning?
A)50 beads.              B)72 beads
C)60 beads               D)46 beads

27)   Brady weighed 240 lbs. He lost 11 lbs the first week at the weight loss camp. He lost another 5 lbs the 2nd week. What percentage of his weight did he lose in these 2 weeks                                         
 A)6.67%                            B) 6.67%
 C)6.67%                           D) 6.67%

28)   Mrs. Jordan went to the stores to buy Christmas presents. She spent half of her money plus $7 at S-Mart. She then spent half of the remaining money plus $8 at Clever-Mart. At the end she had $35 left. How much money did Mrs. Jordan have at the beginning of her shopping trip?
  A) $196                             B)  $186
C) $286                                D)$681
29)   Cut 1 cube into 8 cubes of exactly the same size. What is the percentage of a smaller cube's surface area compared to the original cube's surface area?    
  A) 25%                       B)30%
C)40%                            D)50%
 30)   Mr. Wood went to the stores to buy school supplies for his children. He spent half of his money plus $5 at Store A. He then spent half of the remaining money plus $10 at Store B. At the end he had $25 left. How much money did Mr. Wood start with?
      A100                           B)200
    C)200                           D)   $150                  

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